Strategic Leadership Application Form

Application Form

Personal Details

Data collection statement *

When you apply it is necessary to collect your personal information to process your application, assess whether you meet the course requirements, and for CMI registration and assessment submission (if your application is accepted). To process your application, we require the following: First Name, Last Name, Job Title, E-mail, Address, Telephone, Qualifications, Employer Details, Additional Support Needs, Personal Statement and the Declaration to be signed.

For CMI membership registration/assessment submission, we require the following: Existing CMI Membership Number (if applicable), Title, First Name, Last Name, Gender Identification, Date of Birth, E-mail, Address, Additional Support Needs. Under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), I am aware that my personal details and assessments will be shared with CMI for registration, achievement and certification purposes and by selecting Agree above I give CDN permission to share information with the Awarding Body.

The information you provide may also be used to produce anonymised statistical analysis of applications to CDN for the purpose of course planning and application tracking and ensuring we are providing accessible ways to submit applications.

If you require any further information on this, please contact

Preferred course start date *
Please select one
Existing CMI Member *
If you already have a CMI membership number please enter it in the box below.
CMI Membership Number
First name *
Last name *
Address *
Town *
County/Shire *
Postcode *
Country *
Telephone number *
Email *
Job title *
Date of birth *
Please use DD.MM.YYYY format

Additional Support Needs

Additional support needs *
If you need extra support perhaps because of a disability, learning difficulty or any other issue please select Yes here and outline details below.


Relevant qualifications *
Please enter above the title and date of the highest qualification you have completed relevant to this application.
Other qualifications
Please enter the title, level and date achieved of any further relevant qualifications.
Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL)

College Development Network (CDN) wishes to recognise a learner’s experience, skills and qualifications and how these may contribute to the a programme of study. CDN has a Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Process. If you wish further information on RPL process contact

Employer Details

Employer *
Address *
Town/City *
County/shire *
Postcode *
Line Manager approved? *
Please note that you MUST have the support of your Line Manager or other authorised person in your college before applying for this programme. Please supply the name and contatct details of this person below.
Name *
Position *
Email *
Telephone *
Personal statement *
Please add anything above that you would like us to consider in support of your application


Declaration *

By typing my name here I declare that all the information provided in this form is accurate and that I have read and understood my responsibilities as a candidate as detailed below.

Candidate responsibilities
In registering to undertake a course of study through CDN I agree to:

  • complete the CDN Course Candidate Induction process
  • ensure all contact information is kept up-to-date and to notify CDN of any changes
  • notify CDN in advance if I am unable to meet agreed timescales or to attend meetings
  • commit to attendance at workshops and to self-study
  • ensure that all evidence submitted to the assessor is my own work
  • comply fully with all aspects of the CDN Equal Opportunities Policy
  • my consent being given for CDN to collect my personal details and to share these with the relevant awarding bodies for registration, achievement and certification purposes.

You can learn more about how CDN protects your information by clicking here.

How did you hear about this course? *
If 'other' selected please detail here