• Overview

    This is about working remotely in a way that you are focused, effective and motivated in your work despite distractions and also feel connected and a valued part of the team, even while you're working apart. Whether you regularly work from home some days a week or  you’ve never done it before, you will gain insights and tips on how to manage yourself and manage your space, time and energy to be as effective as you can be.

    If you are working in the office with remote colleagues, understanding the issues and some of the ways to mitigate them is an essential foundation for you to better support and manage your dispersed team members.

    The aims of this module are to:

    • Understand perspectives from home & workplace
    • Create structure & manage yourself and others 
      • Easier to work at home 
      • Easier to be disciplined, motivated and focused
      • Work together effectively, feel connected and collaborate with colleagues

    Topics include creating physical and behavioural structure and boundaries to manage your environment/space, tech, time, energy, routines, expectations and mindset.  

    NOTE: The content was originally delivered as a series of narrated PowerPoint slides, so the speaker refers to the content as 'videos'.

    Keeping Safe while Working Remotely

    Guidance from Police Scotland which summarises National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) advice on how to stay cyber secure while working from home. 

    Introduction to Module 1

    This section introduces you to the module, where we explain how you can be connected, even while working apart.


    Download Introduction to Module 1 transcript

    Introduction to Working Remotely

    This section introduces perspectives of working remotely to understand what it is like from both sides, whether you are in a remote office/working from home or in the central office,  so you can stay connected even while you are distant.

    Download Introduction to Remote Working transcript