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      Planting a seed: Sustainable education for students with Additional Support Needs (Mackeen. D, 2022)

      A note from the author: I have taught on City of Glasgow College's Transitions course for young people (16-19 years old) with Asperger syndrome (AS) for 21 years. I started teaching after I discovered that I have AS and I have worked to develop a curriculum that makes sense for this group of young people. Working with the students, I found a geographical approach was productive, and even more so when combined with the practical work of urban gardening. The students are able to make discoveries about the world they live in and develop skills for groupwork. I began research into this work as Additional Support Needs education is often overlooked. I believe that the insights from this research have value to education generally, and not simply for ASN students.

      To read further articles by Don Mackeen, please click on this link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Don-Mackeen